I have been dealing with some demons lately. Yes, they are the demons we are all faced with every few years, when a birthday arrives, or a friend seems so much more grounded and mature than you do (and you're thinking "We are young! Why are you so...mature?"), or even when your new co-worker starts saying that Nirvana is classic rock! I have been feeling old lately. Maybe it's the start of the new school year, with all the streets crawling with "innocent" freshman. Anyway, I am not sure what is to blame for my obsessions of late, but I seem to be slipping more and more into my teenage years. Honestly, I feel like I am more like a giddy teenager now than when I was actually enduring those tumultuous years. I have been listening to Katy Perry's "Teenage Dream" and Eminem (what a hottie). I have been reading Twilight (Edward Cullen is like totally awesome). And I have been watching Gossip Girl, like OMG. Does this mean I am reverting to my teenage years? Am I going to wake up with acne and braces tomorrow? Or I am just trying to be forever young? Either way, I have to snap out of it. Bo has had enough, and he tells me that no matter how many times I play Usher's "OMG", he won't dirty dance to it with me. And no matter how much I gush about Edward Cullen, he tells me I should be more interested in David Sedaris. As we get older, is it necessary for our tastes to mature as well? Are we lying to ourselves? Are we cheating ourselves out of melodramatic fun? I say we should take advantage of our youth AND our age, allowing us to appreciate art and yet indulge in the shallow. Really, what could be deeper and more well spoken than Katy Perry's line, "California girls, we're undeniable. Fun, fresh, fierce, we got it on lock!" In any case, I hear 30 is the new 15.
why we said "yes" to special needs
7 years ago