Monday, November 30, 2009

What your momma didn't tell you

I don't mean to dwell on the topic...or maybe I do. (If you know me long enough, you will find out I tend to stay on the same subject for DAYS. Just ask my husband.)
Anyway, my sister had a baby. His name is Smith.
I have come to realize that my mother's generation tend to should I say this...too perfect, maybe a little closed off, a bit prude if you will. I can hear my mother talking about childbirth right now..."It is the most amazing experience of your life. It is a gift from God." I don't know, but I am pretty sure in my mother's version of giving birth, there was no blood, sweat or tears. Hair was maintained in perfect Farrah Fawcett layers and curls and fake eyelashes were intact.
However, whether it is because the newer generation is more open or less concerned about appearances, many of my "new mom" friends are telling me things aren't so peachy. Here are a couple warnings I have heard.
1. You can't laugh after a c-section.
2. All of your beautiful baby's first poops are apparently like crude oil...seeping, seeping, seeping. Per Shae "my baby produces oil."
3. Life tends to be like groundhog wake up and it is the same thing over, and over, and over.


J Gutwein said...

Congratulations Shelby!! Love the name Smith. Love, J

sitti said...

Truth be told, some of the older generation did have some mascara running down their faces after childbirth. Loved the post!!

shae said...

i'll add a #4: the first time the father gets to hold their baby, they have a look of total elation. this makes sense...they did not have the 20 hours of labor, 2 hours of pushing, and then a c-section. the first time the mother gets to hold the baby (if a c-section was done)....she may not even remember it, but has a picture that speaks volumes of pitifulness!