Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Be"friending" your doctor

Intersting article on CNN.com http://www.cnn.com/2009/HEALTH/09/03/friending.your.doctor/index.html It got me thinking about "messaging" my doctor. For me, there is a line that shouldn't be crossed. I don't want to see my doctor's beer drinking, late night outs, or high school memories. If we could only improve our communication system, we wouldn't need these social networking sites to get what we should have in the first place. Let me know what you think!


J Gutwein said...

Enjoying your health posts :). Our blog URL changed. It is:http://web.me.com/lgutwein/web.me.com_lgutwein/Blog/Blog.html.

Love, J

Tatiana said...

I think e-mail would be great because patients could ask simple questions without having to go in. I have called my doctor before and that was fine, but it took a few days for her to return my call. If doctors set aside some time each day to answer e-mails, that could waste less time for both the medical professionals and the patients. Befriending doctors on Facebook would be overboard, though. -Tatiana Quiroga